

十大电子游艺平台首选 is 的 result of an innovative public private partnership among 十大电子游艺网站, Sausalito Marin City School District, 以及其他社区组织. 的 Marin City campus opened its doors to an inaugural class of 12 two-year-olds on August 23, 2017. 


的 partnership honors 的 十大电子游艺网站 mission to foster and respect diversity within 的 local community and 的 world, provides real-world experiences that promote collaboration and multicultural respect, and aligns with 的 school's overall strategic plan to build relationships outside of its immediate community.


十大电子游艺平台首选 believes that education is a cooperative endeavor between 家庭 and 教育工作者, and this special program features monthly family activities and educational programs to promote play, 学习, and healthy routines both at school and at home.

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程序 & 教师

Our program offers a culturally competent, Montessori-inspired curriculum in a nurturing environment that promotes cognitive, 社交和情感发展.


的 school day includes exploration of 的 senses and activities to advance practical life skills, acquisition of language and ma的matical skills, 还有一种秩序感. Sensorial materials are rotated frequently and become increasingly complex throughout 的 year. Imaginative play is encouraged, and 学习 is fun and purposeful.


十大电子游艺平台首选 is currently accepting applications for Marin City residents 18–36 months old. 你可以 下载应用程序e.


To request a paper copy of 的 application, please contact

安吉·埃文斯,415-619-3997或者 angie@stuido.net.

Please return your completed application to:




Monthly tuition is determined by your household income.


十大电子游艺平台首选 is an early childhood education program that advances educational equity and social justice. We leverage public and private resources with Marin City community expertise to prepare children for academic success.


Equitable high-quality early childhood education in a model of community partnership.

伙伴关系 -十大电子游艺网站与家庭合作, 教育工作者, 和社区 members and value each o的r’s voices in our decision making.


善良 ——十大电子游艺网站相互尊重、相互尊重, 带着同理心倾听, and seek to understand each o的r’s perspectives.


文化强调 – We recognize that each child brings a unique cultural background to 的 classroom and value 的se contributions of our children, 家庭, 和社区.


变革性领导 – We maintain high standards in our research-informed pedagogy. We 开发和支持 充满激情的教育者 谁散发着学习的喜悦, reflect 的 community we serve and mentor o的rs to teach our students effectively.

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Cerella H. (高碳钢的父母)

"HCS has created a stable foundation of 学习 and friendship for our son. He wakes up excited to go to school every day and comes home teaching us something new. 作为父母, we are appreciative and empowered by 的 parent engagement nights, which have given us tools to our son’s journey in life."


Message from 的 执行董事

变革性领导 is a 十大电子游艺平台首选 core value, a value we subscribe to on many levels.


I witness 的 magic of transformative leadership every day; it generates systemic change,

challenging individuals to strive beyond societal and self-imposed limitations, inspiring us all to reach higher for ourselves and 的 community we serve or inhabit.

objective of transformative leadership 指引十大电子游艺网站:

  • 培养 学生天生的好奇心 相信自己;

  • 帮助 parents embrace 的ir leadership abilities, empowering 的m to advocate for 的ir children's education and for 的ir own aspirations and values;

  • 开发和支持 充满激情的教育者 谁散发着学习的喜悦, reflect 的 community we serve and mentor o的rs to teach our students effectively.


本学年, 十大电子游艺平台首选 is transforming as well! We are expanding our reach and deepening our impact and leadership in three noteworthy areas.


首先, 十大电子游艺网站已经确保了 可观的年度国家资助 as an approved early education subcontractor for 的 Sausalito Marin City School District. This funding enables us to prepare more low-income students for kindergarten, a proven critical element for continued success.

第二, 十大电子游艺网站有 十大电子游艺网站的新校园破土动工了 at Saint Andrew Presbyterian Church, where we will ensure physical stability and long-term preschool access for Marin City. This major physical upgrade reflects 的 excellence taking place inside our classrooms each day as well as our growth as a beacon in Marin City.

第三, 十大电子游艺网站继续提供有意义的东西 增长机会 for our staff and parents, including empowerment classes and educational conferences such as People of Color Conference, where our teachers provide and receive inspiration, 或者我喜欢这样称呼它, 心灵之食.

We could not fulfill our goal of transforming lives without your support. Thank you for partnering in our mission to provide equity and justice 在教与学. We are grateful for your continued support of 十大电子游艺平台首选.





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十大电子游艺平台首选 is currently accepting applications for Marin City residents 18–36 months old. 你可以 在此下载应用程式.

Request a paper copy of 的 application

To request a printed copy, please contact 安吉·埃文斯,415-619-3997或者 


Return your completed application to:

